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Solano County Office of Education

Solano County Office of Education

Extra Curricular Activities Are Important to All High Schoolers!

Extra Curricular Activities Are Important to All High Schoolers!

Students often join athletic teams or clubs that promote social activities. But what about those students whose interests are more academic in nature?
If you are looking for an intellectually challenging extracurricular experience, Academic Decathlon might be just the thing! AcaDec is a competition that allows high school students to compete against one another and improve their knowledge in many difference subject areas, from music to economics to public speaking. It has a lot to offer students and promotes community and an atmosphere of learning at your school. It's also a great opportunity to build friendships with like-minded students who are passionate about acquiring new knowledge and building upon their study and academic skills. 
It always starts with one. Whether you are a freshman who just heard about the program, or a teacher who competed once yourself, you can be the person who brings Academic Decathlon to life at your school! So, gather your friends, find a coach, download the curriculum, grab some snacks and let's get started!
Start a Team
  • Watch the video below to learn more about the Decathlon.
  • Look for friends who are up for the challenge. It takes at least 6 students to form a team.
  • Find a teacher or staff person to serve as your coach/advisor and attend the informational meeting on September 14th at 3:30 PM.
  • Explore the year's Technology and Humanity theme.
  • Come up with a plan for study and download the curriculum.
  • Make new friends, challenge yourself, and have fun!
This video is brought to you by the Sacramento County Office of Education