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Solano County Office of Education

Solano County Office of Education

Classified School Employee of the Year

The CSEY program is designed to highlight the contributions of classified school employees who support the education of our public school students in pre-kindergarten through grade twelve. The overall purpose is to pay tribute to the tireless efforts of outstanding classified school employees. They are vital members who play key roles in creating a school environment that promotes student achievement, safety, and health. It is our goal to recognize and honor an exemplary classified school employee from each school district throughout Solano County.
The Solano County CSEY Program is open to current school employees in Solano County’s public pre-kindergarten through grade twelve schools, including school districts and the Solano County Office of Education (SCOE). School districts may each select one classified school employee. A CSEY nominee is not in a management or supervisory position and has a minimum of five years of service in the nomination category with no minimum full-time equivalent.


The district nominee advances to the county selection and recognition program. Each district is invited to submit one candidate to be recognized at the Solano County EOY celebration. The candidate's work must align with one of the nine categories below:
  • Clerical and Administrative Services: The work must be directly related to clerical or secretarial duties. For example, attendance clerk, secretary, and accountant.
  • Custodial and Maintenance Services: The work must be directly related to operation or maintenance services. For example, custodian and groundskeeper.
  • Food and Nutrition Services: The work must be directly related to food handling and/or preparation. For example: chef, cook, and cafeteria worker.
  • Heath and Student Services: The work must be directly related to health and student services. For example, nurse and counselor.
  • Paraprofessional Services: The work must be directly related to instructional services to students. For example, classroom assistant, instructional aide, and library assistant.
  • Security Services: The work must be directly related to the security of students and/or property. For example, campus security monitor and community outreach assistant.
  • Skilled Trades Services: The work must be directly related to skilled services. For example, carpenter, electrician, plumber, painter, and mechanic.
  • Technical Services: The work must be directly related to technical duties. For example, network engineer, technology support, and programmer.
  • Transportation Services: The work must be directly related to transportation. For example, bus driver, dispatcher, and delivery person.


SCOE provides the school districts with the guidelines for submitting nominations along with the evaluation and selection criteria that will be used to select awardees at the county level. Each district establishes its own internal process for selecting an outstanding classified school employee for the Solano County Educators of the Year (EOY) Program. To be eligible for the Classified School Employee of the Year Program, applicants must:
  • Be a current classified school employee of a California public school (preschool through grade twelve), including charter schools, school districts, and county office of education.
  • Be a rank and file employee, not in a management or supervisory position.
  • Have a minimum of five years of service in the nomination category, with no minimum full-time equivalent. 
  • Be named as the finalist in their local district competition.


The selection process for the Solano County CSEY begins with candidates whose names are submitted by school districts. SCOE will convene a Blue Ribbon Committee (BRC) who will be responsible to evaluate all nominations within the context of the selection criteria, which is organized around the following six areas:
  • Work performance.
  • School and community involvement.
  • Leadership and commitment.
  • Local support (from co-workers, school/district administrators, community members, etc., who speak to the nominee's extraordinary work).
  • Enhancement of classified school employee's image in the community and schools.
  • Any other areas (the district and/or school deems remarkable or significant)


Date  Activity
 Intent to Participate. Deadline for districts to notify SCOE of participation
 CSEY applications due to Youth Development Services
 Online review of CSEY application by BRC begins
 Online review of CSEY application by BRC concludes
 Educators of the Year Celebration


Use the button below to access the Classified School Employee of the Year Application. The application is a Word document, that will download through your browser. If it does not appear check the downloads folder usually located in the top right corner of the browser.