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Solano County Office of Education

Solano County Office of Education


Children and young adults with disabilities require unique planning to create successful transitions from one life stage to another. Planning for transition is embedded in the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process. 

What Parents Can Expect

IFSP/IEP meetings will occur prior to your child's transition to create an opportunity to:
  • discuss needed supports
  • meet your child's receiving team
  • request a tour of the determined program 
  • invite agency representatives (i.e North Bay Regional Center, or Department of Rehab) 

How do I prepare my child for a successful transition? 

Communicating about your child and your goals is a helpful way to help your team get a clear understanding to start with.  This Goal Setting Worksheet is a tools that can help communication.


Newborn to 35 months

Clarissa Tuttle
Program Administrator for Special Education
Golden Hills Education Center, Building 1
2460 Clay Bank Road
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 399-4865

Benicia Area

Angela Jung
Program Administrator for Special Education
Golden Hills Education Center, Building 1
2460 Clay Bank Road
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 399-4859
Fax: (707) 428-7221

Dixon Area

Deana Vanderhoof
Program Administrator for Special Education
Irene Larsen Center
1707 California Drive
Vacaville, CA 95687
Phone: (707) 646-7679
Fax: (707) 452-0836

Fairfield Area

PreK- Middle SchoolHigh School- Age 22
Pamela Brinkerhoff
Program Administrator for Special Education
T. C. McDaniel Center
1895 Woolner Avenue
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 646-7620
Fax: (707) 422-4315
Angela Jung
Program Administrator for Special Education
Golden Hills Education Center, Building 1
2460 Clay Bank Road
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 399-4859
Fax: (707) 428-7221

Travis Area

Vacaville Boundaries & Fairfield Boundaries
Angela Jung
Program Administrator for Special Education
Golden Hills Education Center, Building 1
2460 Clay Bank Road
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 399-4859
Fax: (707) 428-7221
Pamela Brinkerhoff
Program Administrator for Special Education
T. C. McDaniel Center
1895 Woolner Avenue
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 646-7620
Fax: (707) 422-4315
Deana Vanderhoof
Program Administrator for Special Education
Irene Larsen Center
1707 California Drive
Vacaville, CA 95687
Phone: (707) 646-7679
Fax: (707) 452-0836

Vacaville Area

PreK- Middle SchoolHigh School- Agee 22
Pamela Brinkerhoff
Program Administrator for Special Education
T.C. McDaniel Center
1895 Woolner Avenue
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 646-7620
Deana Vanderhoof
Program Administrator for Special Education
Irene Larsen Center
1707 California Drive
Vacaville, CA 95687
Phone: (707) 646-7679
Fax: (707) 452-0836


For children age 0 months to 35 months

  • Create a file for important information
    • Diagnosis
    • Evaluations
  • Contact Early Intervention (EI) providers for intervention services, if your child qualifies for services they will write an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
  • Join a parent support group
  • Prepare for and attend all IFSP/IEP  (Individualized Education Plan) transition meetings
  • Ask questions and seek clarification on anything you don’t understand
  • Connect with North Bay Regional Center

Ages 3-5 years

  • Write a social story about going to school
  • Ask the teacher for pictures of them, the classroom, the school and the bus. 
  • Take your child to visit the new program or school
  • Explore ways for your child to interact with peers. 
  • Inquire about kindergarten transition
  • Create a file for important information
    • Diagnosis
    • Evaluations
  • Join a parent support group
  • Prepare for and attend all IEP  (Individualized Education Program) transition meetings
  • Ask questions and seek clarification on anything you don’t understand
  • Connect with North Bay Regional Services

Age 6 to 12 years

  • Take your child to visit the new program or school
  • As the teacher for pictures of them, the classroom, the school and the bus. 
  • Explore ways for your child to interact with peers. 
  • Consider your child’s social skills, independent skills and communication system
  • Inquire about middle school transition

Ages 13-15 years

  • Consider having your child sit in on the IEP planning meetings
  • Consider your child’s social skills, independent skills and communication system
  • Inquire about high school transition 

Age 16-20 years

  • Begin IEP Transition Planning
  • Connect with agency for supports North Bay Regional Center and Department of Rehabilitation
  • Identify job interests and abilities
  • Include activities such as career exploration, job sampling and some job training
  • Begin to identify community services that provide job training and placement
  • Prepare job placement file with references and skills that have been acquired
  • Begin application to adult agencies
  • Consider summer employment or participate in volunteer experiences
  • Explore future and financial planning options
Family Guide to Assistive Technology and Transition Planning
Secondary Transition Planning: The Basics

Age 20-22 years

  • Contact Adult Service Programs
    • Colleges, Vocational, Technical
    • Social Security Administration 
    • Residential and living services
    • Recreational Groups
  • Connect with agency for supports North Bay Regional Center and Department of Rehabilitation
  • Begin to research guardianship options
  • Continue to review and update IEP Transition Planning
Family Guide to Assistive Technology and Transition Planning
Secondary Transition Planning: The Basics


Lead for Transition Coordination

Clarissa Tuttle, Director of Special Education
Golden Hills Education Center, Building 2
2460 Clay Bank Road
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 399-4851