Schools & Educational Options
Solano County Office of Education (SCOE) offers a Juvenile Court and Community School (JCCS) alternative education program for students in grades 7-12. Students work on a standards-based curriculum and have the opportunity to recover missed credits. The program is designed to support progress toward graduation and offers diplomas for students who complete their requirements.
SCOE has two WASC accredited schools: The Golden Hills Community School (GHCS) and the Solano County Juvenile Detention Facility (JDF), Evergreen Academy School.
Vision Statement
A professional teaching and learning community that works to implement effective instructional strategies that will enable every student to be successful. SCOE believes every student can become successful 21st-century critical thinkers and learners who have the potential to graduate from high school, go to college and/or trade school, while being positive contributing citizens to our community.
Mission Statement
Provide every student an equal opportunity to an enriched education where they are challenged to meet and exceed their individual potential in a safe, supportive and structured environment.
Solano County Office of Education (SCOE) working in partnership with school districts to identify and re-engage youth ages 16-24 who have been out of school or are at-risk of dropping out. The Education to Employment (E2E) program is another opportunity for students who have not enrolled in their home district programs, and want to return to progress toward completing their graduation requirements and obtain paid work experiences and connections to other needed supports and services.
Juvenile Court and Community Schools (JCCS) offers alternative educational services for students in grades 7-12. Both schools, Golden Hills Community Schools (GHCS) and Evergreen Academy, are Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accredited schools. Students receive a rigorous education which enable them the opportunity to earn course credits towards meeting graduation requirements.
Golden Hills Community School - Fairfield campus is located at the Golden Hills Education Center, 2460 Clay Bank Road, in Fairfield. Students who attend this school have been referred by the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District due to an expulsion, probation placement, or experiencing behavioral challenges. Our students work on a standards-based curriculum and have the opportunity to recover missed credits. The program is designed to support progress toward graduation and offers diplomas for students who complete the school's requirements.
Evergreen Academy serves youth at the Solano County JDF located at 740 Beck Avenue, Fairfield. Evergreen Academy provides every student an equal opportunity to an enriched education where they are challenged to meet and exceed their individual potential in a safe and structured environment. Students at the facility have access to a curriculum that includes standards-based texts and an online portal in all four core subject areas. Credit recovery is a key component because many students enter the program credit deficient. Students can graduate with a high school diploma from Evergreen Academy.
The SCOE Distance Learning Program is located at the Golden Hills Education Center, 2460 Clay Bank Road, in Fairfield. The program is designed so that each student meets one-on-one with a teacher weekly to review lessons, take tests, and receive personalized instruction. Students are expected to spend a minimum of 20 hours per week completing online school work. SCOE encourages students to exceed this amount of time so that more credits can be earned. Students work through the online learning portal, EdGenuity, and is focused on credit recovery, while addressing the academic needs of students who are working toward achieving a high school diploma. The Distance Learning Program is open to eligible students from the county’s six school districts who are searching for a more personal learning experience.
Credit Recovery
Credit Recovery
Credit Recovery
Solano County Office of Education’s offers:
Courses for students who are not on track to graduate high school because of a lack of credits.
Diagnostic testing for Math and English Language Arts for student remediation, allowing students to recover the credits they need to graduate.
Interactive lessons that engage students and support retention of key concepts.
Relevant Internet links that encourage self-directed real-world learning.
Internet access allows students to work anywhere at any time; an ideal solution for students whose personal circumstances hinder attendance.
Ongoing assessment allows early intervention so student’s needs are identified and supported.
Teachers can pace courses to accommodate individual student needs.
Individualized Instruction
Individualized Instruction
Individualized Instruction
Today’s students come from diverse backgrounds and bring a variety of unique challenges to the classroom. Some may need additional time to understand complex concepts, while others may require an environment sensitive to special situations.
With Solano County Office of Education’s educational options, students can work at their own pace and in their own space with a curriculum that is available wherever and whenever an internet connection exists.
Accelerated Learning
Accelerated Learning
Accelerated Learning
In every school district, there are students looking for more information, a faster pace, and bigger challenges. Self-motivated and goal-directed, these students choose to reach outside the standard benchmarks and learn beyond their ordinary limits.
SCOE is committed to identifying these students and giving them the learning space they need to grow and thrive. Courses can be customized with additional content to inspire and engage all students.
Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (FSUSD)
Placement at the Golden Hills Community School is a collaborative decision with the FSUSD Student Services Department.
Placement at the Golden Hills Community School is a collaborative decision with the FSUSD Student Services Department.
Solano County Probation Department
Direct referrals to Golden Hills Community School are made through the FSUSD. An on-site Probation Officer is assigned a caseload for the purpose of ongoing monitoring of student progress toward completing probation requirements.
Direct referrals to Golden Hills Community School are made through the FSUSD. An on-site Probation Officer is assigned a caseload for the purpose of ongoing monitoring of student progress toward completing probation requirements.
Vacaville Unified School District (VUSD)
Placement at the Golden Hills Community School in Vacaville is a collaborative decision with the VUSD Student Services Department.
Placement at the Golden Hills Community School in Vacaville is a collaborative decision with the VUSD Student Services Department.
Support Services
Support Services
Support Services
Career Technical Education & Workforce Development
Career classes, designed to prepare students to enter the workforce, include training in résumé writing, interviewing techniques, and workplace etiquette.
Foster & Homeless Youth Services
Students receive individual case management. Level one case management consists of academic support plans, vocation preparation, and connection to supplemental resources. Students assessed to fall within the Response to Intervention and Instruction Tier will receive level two case management to address social and emotional well-being. Students are provided support of basic school necessities.
Student Support Specialist
Students work with the Student Support Specialist to develop a transition plan that supports the completion of their district-issued rehabilitation plan. The transition plan includes goals for academic achievement as well as social, emotional, and behavior intervention. The Student Support Specialist also provides intervention supports for the student including social-emotional, attendance and community referrals.
Career classes, designed to prepare students to enter the workforce, include training in résumé writing, interviewing techniques, and workplace etiquette.
Foster & Homeless Youth Services
Students receive individual case management. Level one case management consists of academic support plans, vocation preparation, and connection to supplemental resources. Students assessed to fall within the Response to Intervention and Instruction Tier will receive level two case management to address social and emotional well-being. Students are provided support of basic school necessities.
Student Support Specialist
Students work with the Student Support Specialist to develop a transition plan that supports the completion of their district-issued rehabilitation plan. The transition plan includes goals for academic achievement as well as social, emotional, and behavior intervention. The Student Support Specialist also provides intervention supports for the student including social-emotional, attendance and community referrals.
Mental Health and Social and Emotional Support
SCOE will have a licensed clinician assigned and available to screen all students for behavioral health issues. Based on the assessment outcomes, SCOE may provide individual and group counseling to students virtually or in person. When a higher level of care is necessitated, the clinician will connect the student and family to the needed service.
SCOE will have a licensed clinician assigned and available to screen all students for behavioral health issues. Based on the assessment outcomes, SCOE may provide individual and group counseling to students virtually or in person. When a higher level of care is necessitated, the clinician will connect the student and family to the needed service.
School Setting
School Setting
School Setting
Small class size, 24:1 ratio
Wellness Centers located at every site
Safe and secure campus
Community Services Opportunities
Community Services Opportunities
Community Services Opportunities
Referrals include a requirement for community service to increase students’ resiliency and empathy. Students have the option to participate in community service opportunities at Golden Hills. Additional community resources are available upon request.
One to one devices for all student in all JCCS programs
Online learning portal: EdGenuity
Makerspace Labs
Robotics Classes
Interactive Technology in every classroom, including SMARTPanels

Parent & Student Forms & Notices
Parent & Student Forms & Notices
Parent & Student Forms & Notices
School Accountability Report Cards (SARC Reports)
School Accountability Report Cards (SARC Reports)
School Accountability Report Cards (SARC Reports)
School Plan For Student Achievement (SPSA) Plans
School Plan For Student Achievement (SPSA) Plans
School Plan For Student Achievement (SPSA) Plans
Countywide Plan for Expelled Students
Countywide Plan for Expelled Students
Countywide Plan for Expelled Students