Since 1981, the Solano County Office of Education has sponsored the Academic Decathlon for local public and private high school students to compete as individuals and as a team in a series of academic test and demonstrations. In 2006, Solano County expanded its services to include 11 surrounding counties: Alameda, Colusa, Contra Costa, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and Yolo.
The Academic Decathlon was officially established in 1968 by Robert Peterson, Ed.D., former County Superintendent of Schools in Orange County and has served as the model for all prestigious Academic Decathlon events that now exist at the state and national levels.
The 2024 - 25 theme is "OUR CHANGING CLIMATE"
Become a volunteer! SCOE is looking for volunteers who can assist in bringing this incredible experience to students.
School teams study the theme using curriculum that is provided by the United States Academic Decathlon. Events include multiple-choice tests in different subjects: Art, Economics, Literature, Math, Science and Social Science. Events also include prepared and impromptu speeches, written essays, interviews with judges, and the Super Quiz (which is a quiz-bowl-type competition that takes place in front of a live audience when in-person).
What makes the Academic Decathlon a Winning Program fro Students?
Academic Decathlon...
- Increases academic achievement
- Improes student habits
- Fosters teamwork in a learning environment
- Levels the playing field for students with varying Grade Point Averages
- Incorporates the Arts
- Develops leaders of the future
- Cultivates confiendence
- Promotes lifelong learning
In addition, the program...
Teaches real world skills, including:
- Public speaking
- Interviewing
- Analtical writing
Builds 21st century skills, including:
- Critical thinking and creativity
- Character, grit, work eithic, and perseverance
- Communication and collaboration
- Intitiative and self direction
Academic Decathlon teams consist of students know as Decathletes. Each team consists of three academic levels: Honor (GPA 3.80 - 4.0), Scholastic (GPA 3.2 - 3.799), and Varsity (GPA 0.0 - 3.199).
After scores for all tests, interviews, speeches, and essays are accumulated, individual and team awards medals are presented at an awards ceremony.
The overall winning team from each participating county is invited to participate in the statewide
California Academic Decathlon. Based on overall state scores, additional teams may be invited to represent their county as "wild card" teams.
Academic Decathlon teams spend months preparing for this demanding competition. In addition to mastering the extensive content, students learn about teamwork, goal setting, planning, and leadership.